Be honest…are you likely to either shrug them off or offer a skeptical eye? Conversely, hearing you are in danger and that person has your undivided attention. These natural tendencies stem back to thousands of years ago in how we operate as human beings. When we use this behavior with our investing decisions, we are playing with fire. In this podcast episode, we discuss exactly why we are “seduced” by pessimistic news and how you can separate facts in the market from your own feelings.
As any parent will tell you, the wellbeing of their children is always at the forefront of their mind. We worry about their future....
In this two-part episode, we explore some of the key benefits of using structured notes to generate income and growth in your investment portfolio,...
When the stock market takes a dip, it’s hard to ignore the fear that “the sky is falling.” However, investors are well-served when they...